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Submitted by: Jamie Collet
I’m certain you are all familiar with the old fashioned slide shows. Well a DVD slide show is completely different. Modern technology and software have merged together to give us the beauty and elegance of video, and apply that to our still shots. With the old fashioned slide shows you had a noisy projector which projected the images on a wall. I’m sure you all have memories of friends boring old vacation footage with the dad or mom narrating everything they saw or did on their trip. With DVD or Video Slide shows, now you can take your collection of photographs, put them in an order to create a theme, add titles, music, special effects and transitions making it into a spectacular video presentation. The beauty is that there is no noisy projector to lug around and no box of slides. All that stuff stays at home. The only thing you need with a DVD slide show is your DVD. Take that to any friends house, relatives house, or party, and pop it into a regular DVD player and show it on a big screen TV.
Now with the modern software available companies are creating DVD and Video Slide Shows and Photo montages for Wedding Receptions, Anniversaries, Birthdays, Graduations, Showers, and much more. Now any occasion can be made into a special occasion by having a DVD slide show or Photo Montage at a very reasonable price. Actually the term Photo Montage and Slide Show are interchangeable, there is no difference.
Wouldn’t it be fantastic to show a montage at your wedding reception of how you and your fiancee grew up and eventually met? Photographers generally charge and arm and a leg to do that type of work. Now with DVD Slide shows you can collect all your old photographs, send them to a company that specializes in DVD Slide Shows, and within a couple of weeks you’ll get back a Montage of your pictures with Music, Transitions, Titles, and Menus and it will be all ready to show at your reception.
What about your Parent’s 50th Wedding Anniversary. Why not give them a DVD Slide Show of their 50 years together. Better yet, If your having a celebration party you can surprise them and show the DVD Photo Montage at the celebration. Most facilities have DVD players a Large Screen TVs already on the premises ready for you to use for your special occasion. All you have to bring is the DVD.
That relative that you haven’t seen in years and is always bugging you for pictures of the kids. Give them one better. A slide show of your kids growing up over the last few years. The possibilities are endless. I’m sure you can come up with a few ideas yourself as to how to take advantage of this great and inexpensive method of dressing up old photographs. I hope this has cleared away any mysteries about what DVD Slide Show and Photo Montages really are and how you can use them.
About the Author: DIY lover who likes to talk,blog and listen to the music. I got masive play lists on Spotify that i am listening all day throug. Aberdeen Wedding PhotographersI really hope that you find it interesting and informative.If you like it please visit
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