By Danica Reynes

The most common thing wives possess with each other is their desire to have a husband who is a good listener. Your wife also needs to be told again that she is loved and wanted, to show her understanding, to be appreciated, to be shared with the responsibilities with your children, to be taken to an occasional date and a bit of solitude.

In regards to working on your relationship and maintaining your marriage, both you and your spouse need to do your part. A marriage is a combined effort between husband and wife; you need to be aware of her needs to make her happy. Listed herein are the common things that a wife wants from her husband:

Pay attention to what she says

Being a good listener is a quality that most wives want in a husband. In addition to her friends, your wife wants to talk to somebody else about her family, children, work and her experiences and concerns. Giving her your full attention means real participation in conversations and not just perfunctory nods along the way.

Tell her that you love and want her


The sweet little nothings that you tell to your wife will really make her feel loved and wanted by you. Do not just say “I love you” when you are leaving for work, going to bed, or ending a phone conversation. Say it when you mean it. Say it whenever you think it surprises her. Do not forget to admire her when she deserves it, especially when she looks great with her dress, when she looks nice with her new haircut, or just the way she is. An apt compliment will be well received.

Recognizing how she feels

Although understanding is more of a need than a want to get through relationships, women want to be understood more than you think. Women can get really difficult to deal with at times, and when that happens, all she wants from you is to understand why she acts the way she does. She will want you to understand and forgive her sometimes complicated nature.

Being thankful

Remember that as much as you do, you have to show your wife you appreciate the small things that she does. Every wife desires to be appreciated no matter how little the achievement she does, especially at home. Give her praise for cooking a lovely meal and for helping your children with their school work.

Accomplish your share of responsibilities in compliance with your kids

Kids need attention and discipline from both parents. Your wife may want to you be more responsible if you are too lenient or unconcerned in terms of child rearing. She wants you to perform your duties as her partner by spending quality time with your kids and if necessary, discipline them as well. Prove to her that you care about the children as much as she does and that you are doing your duties as a father.

Take your partner out once in a while

With a hectic job and children around, the way you used to spent time with your wife will change dramatically. Definitely, this is the one thing she wants from you, more than anything else. She wants to spend quality time with you. An occasional date night or a trip to the movies will make her happy.

A time for herself

It is not that she is weary of being with you and your children. She has a lot of things to take care of at home, so she needs to get a break now and again so that it doesn’t get to be too much for her. Every woman needs time for herself and may find it in a variety of ways outside the home like shopping alone, or going to the salon or spa.

Communicate to your spouses and discuss about your marriage/relationship, her wants and needs, and if she’s happy. This way, you can both learn about each other’s needs and wants so you can both be happy and satisfied with your married life. Even with the storms that come and go in your relationship, both of you and your wife still deserves a great and long marriage life together.

About the Author: To find out more information about what your wife desires and the ways to

make her happy

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