If You Believe You\’re Unworthy Guess What… You\’re Right!


Paul Lowe

Poor self-esteem, damaging self image, pitiful self talk are all mental tranquilisers laced with life sapping poison that we freely \’take\’… without even asking for a prescription!

It\’s amazing, isn\’t it?

I mean, we scurry off to the docs when we\’re suffering in the head, mind and body… but… when we break it all down and put a truth pill in there, we have strategically engineered our own diagnosis and prescribed our own medicine, and… it\’s easing many of us into an early grave.

In my world of marketing and entrepreneurial endeavour, I\’ve always been surprised at THE EASY TO FOLLOW FORMULAS I\’ve laid out for other people to basically \’copy the hell out of\’ but… they don\’t.For some reason, they stop dead in their tracks once they\’ve understood that the \’chase\’ for the information, is over.

As long as the hunt, the seeking, the receiving of the information, is still ongoing, there\’s participation, an interaction.I\’ve come to the conclusion that at work is an inner thought, a belief that says\’ \”I\’m not good enough, it won\’t work for me, I can\’t make this work, there\’s too much effort involved\”.

I\’ve also thought that those beliefs, inner convictions if you like, didn\’t get put there when we were the kings of the planet – when we were chortling and wobbling into the world as toddlers – it\’s just that now that we\’re adults, we\’ve LEARNT to talk and think ourselves out of a happy and fulfilling life.


I don\’t agree with the fact that because those thoughts have become so ingrained and so steel like, that there\’s no way that those \’belief cables\’ can be chopped away and new fibres created in its place.As it came, so it can go. As it was created, so it can be uncreated.

It\’s with great personal annoyance and ongoing frustration that I also have to \’Let people find out for themselves\’ about the creating and un-creating nature of their lives.You see, I thought I could save the world with these insights and behaviours. I went mad trying to \’fix\’ a number of people. Found out the hard way. Had sleepless nights, my energy was drowning, my attitude to life, suffered.

I can lead people to these thinkings, these ideas, these revelations, but that\’s all I can do. It\’s now up to them to take it forward and make those shifts, those changes, those actions. And, what I\’ve also come to realise is that there are some people who have all the greatest intentions about things, but, they\’ve no energy, no personal power to change things in any way, shape or form.

Quite frankly, in a perverse type of way, the world needs people like these to survive. And, they really don\’t need to be asked to change. Sad, but true.Once I understood this, really understood this, my personal attitude, and attitude towards fixing and helping others… changed, dramatically.

Now, I sleep like a baby…..

Beliefs are so powerful that a person\’s life is based solely on what they believe. Look at the simple list below……

if you believe you\’re bad at managing money, guess what?… you\’re right……

if you believe that you\’re a shy and reserved person and you\’re not cut out for any type of speaking in public… you\’re right……

if you believe that you can\’t get a home business opportunity revved up because you\’ve no previous business or marketing experience… you\’re right……

if you think you can\’t write a promotional message… you\’re right……

if you believe that success is meant for others and not you… you\’re right……

if you believe that your life will not get any better… you\’re right……

if you believe that you can\’t find a way out of your present financial and career situation… you\’re right…

Whatever you believe about yourself, your opportunities, your future, your life… you\’re absolutely right! And it\’s no use blaming what you heard at the top of the stairs when you were a nipper about how things work, or how they don\’t.

And get this: when you deposit your money at the bank, whether it\’s a mere pittance or a healthy bundle, the people at the bank aren\’t going to ask, \”what are your beliefs that allow you to deposit such an amount?

\”Whether you want to deposit bundles, or a teeny weeny amount, you need to own and \’live\’ a set of beliefs that reflect what you want.

CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS. For if you do, your life will SOAR!

Paul Lowe from TheOnlineMarketingMentor.com shares valuable marketing information for online businesses. Theres also

free online training

available on how to start your own internet business.


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