By Erica J.Miles

Relationships in these times are difficult to maintain and women who actively set out to destroy other women’s relationships i.e. home wreckers are everywhere. If you do not take the time and trouble to keep your man happy, it will not be long before another woman does it for you.

So is there anything you can do to keep your man happy and away from other women? There sure is. Men are actually quite easy to please but with all of the modern day distractions it is easy to let your relationship slip into a boring mundane routine. Careers, children and house hold chores are just some of the daily tasks that we must juggle in our every day lives, it is not surprising that sometimes we forget to add quality time with our men to the ever growing list of things to do.

But if we are to keep the men in our lives happy and contented we must take the time and make the effort to put his happiness on our agenda. Do not misunderstand me, I do not mean to imply that we do all of the giving and the men do all of the taking. I simply mean that if you know that you have a man that cares for you, treats you well and makes you happy, you need to return the favor.

Keeping a man happy simply requires some imagination and willingness to get up from in front of the TV and do something exciting to get his pulse racing. If you take a few hours and surf the Internet looking at discussion forums and groups you will soon see a pattern emerging. There are several complaints that are common online and I believe that many women are indeed guilty of them.

Here is a quick checklist of things that men like and dislike about women. When you are thinking about this list, be honest; ask yourself if you are guilty of any of the dislikes and if you are achieving any of the likes. Chances are, you are not making your man happy and you could be at risk of loosing him.

The Quick Checklist






Value his opinion

Adult discussions

You looking good

Looking up to him

An exciting sex life

You to listening to him

You looking pleased to see him after a hard day



Smothering him

You talking not listening

Turning into a couch potato

Having sex in the same way

Using sex as a bargaining tool

Belittling him in front of his friends

Constantly accusing him of cheating

Talking to him like he’s a naughty kid

Boring clothing (e.g. un-sexy underwear)

These are just a few things that men would like more or less of from their women. The full ultimate checklist can be found in the third addition of my ‘How To Series’ entitled Girlfriend – How To keep Your Man In 10 Easy Steps.

Keeping your man happy will not only make him less likely to desire other women, it will also benefit you because if he is happy he will try even harder to make you happy. It is a win-win situation. All you have to do is follow the guidelines outlined in this article and you will soon be on your way to making your man happy, contented and desperate to remain by your side.

About the Author: Erica.J.Miles has been counseling couples for over 5 years and is the author of three exciting eBooks. Discover what men really want from woman and

How To Keep A Man Happy

by visiting Go NOW Before You Loose Him!


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